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Contact information
I have been trying to place an order, but the email address listed under the contact information keeps bouncing back my messages. Do you have a new email address? Jim
Update: Garford-Putilov, DaVinci, and Ford Three Ton
The Garford Putilov and DaVinci are arriving here at some point this week. I am informed by the caster that the resin parts for the initial order are completed, they just have some final metal bits to clean up and cast, then they'll be ready. If things go according to plan, they should be in stock and avai...
Doc Twilight
Garford-Putilov and DaVinci FINALLY off to the caster.
Packed away the Garford-Putilov Armored Truck and the DaVinci tank last evening, and they are now on their way to the caster via Priority mail. He should have them before the week is out. Have asked for some expedited shipping on the first production models, so I expect to have them in hand sooner than l...
Doc Twilight
Next from Tobi?
Get asked this a lot, for some funny reason;) Just thought I'd fill you folks in, in case you weren't already aware. Tobi has finished the Romfell, and a real beauty it is, too. However, Tobi will next be doing a piece from a different era for us, something which should be very familiar to some of you: Shou...
Doc Twilight
What I intend to do...
... is a Death Korps Patrol/Recon Car: using a FW DK tank commander and a hatch from an old Leman Russ sprue
Next from Tobi - Garford!
Well, after going over several things we'd both like to see in miniature, Tobi has suggested (and I agree) that he should do the Garford Armored Truck next. This was a joint American/Russian project initially designed in 1914. Saw service during the First World War, the Russian Civil War, and durin...
Doc Twilight
New Vehicle Coming! Filatov Three-Wheeled Armored Car.
During the First World War, the Russians designed or built a large number of armored designs in prototype phase, but relatively few of them actually saw service. The Filatov three wheeled armored car was the exception. I am pleased to announce that I've used my "mysterious mind control powers, lear...
Doc Twilight
Romfell Master in Hand
Just wanted you all to know that I got the Romfell Master today. And wow.. what an amazingly beautiful piece of work. I mean, honestly, it's a genuinely beautiful design (and a great sculpt by Tobi). I like the Ehrhardt, but this is truly a supermodel among armored cars;) Looks like it'll be six parts. B...
Doc Twilight
Romfell AC News Please!
Okay, so this may be putting the metaphorical cart before the horse so to speak (seeing, I mean, as the much anticipated E-V/4 Ehrhardt has yet to go into production), but is there any news on the forthcoming model of what must surely rank as the most debonair of all early ACs, id est the Romfell as mentio...
Latest Erhardt News
The caster is currently looking over the Ehrhardt master. The main hull has been filled with resin, and is ready for casting. At the moment, however, he's offered me two options. The first is to do the model with a resin body/turret and resin accessories, sprued. The second is to do the model with a resi...
Doc Twilight
Preview Shot - Erhardt
For those who didn't get a chance to see it, here's a shot of the master for the Erhardt. Should be ready relatively soon (currently with the caster). -Doc
Doc Twilight
Some news on the Euzkadi
I spoke with the caster earlier this afternoon. According to him, they have twenty five Euzkadis ready to ship out of the initial order of fifty. They cast about three or four a day. I asked him to go ahead and send out the first half of the shipment via an expedited method. Assuming they do so (they will sh...
Doc Twilight