I was browsing for inspiration, and look what I came up with
Looking familiar? Yes, me thinks Now I'm looking for a suitable small skull for the belt buckle of my BAP Walking Ghost. Has anyone an idea what I can use or where I can find such small skulls?
what I mean is there are a lot of plastic addons in different sizes from GW, since they put skulls on everything, apart from elves maybe
check out "Gamesbastelworkshop" for single parts
Even the terrain has skulls on it. A friend purchased the new terrain boards because he thought the setup was nifty, only to discover that every crack in the terrain surface has skulls in it, requiring him to fill in the cracks in order to use it for anything else.
I suspect they have a sick sense of humor about it at this point. "Hey, Frank, look at where we put skulls THIS time!"
I'm still awaiting some historical figures with skull encrusted armor....
They seem to go through phases. For a long time they were in the "everything must have a Topknot" phase... they seem to be moving out of that, but they have been on the "skull" kick for at least as long.
Is there anything quite as ugly as a miniature with skull encrusted armor AND a topknot? No, let's do one better - let's resculpt our Orcs and give them ridiculously huge arms. Then we'll add topknots and skulls.
Sorry to distract from your post, Haupt. I'll be interested to see what you come up with. Obviously, as the miniature is clearly not the Phantom, we couldn't add a skull buckle to his belt...
Okay, what I came up with, is an unassembled GW Chaos Marine donor, who has now one skull decoration less on his pistol holster. As it's quite small, it'll be difficult to file it down and glue it on the figure...