Just thought I'd fill you folks in, in case you weren't already aware. Tobi has finished the Romfell, and a real beauty it is, too. However, Tobi will next be doing a piece from a different era for us, something which should be very familiar to some of you:
Should be a lot of fun to see this baby come to life. Tobi is taking a break at the moment, as he is:
a) Recovering from illness
b) Well deserving of it
But when I hear from him about progress (give him some time), I'll be sure to update you all.
You guessed it. That's exactly what it is:) Several reconstructions have been made over the years. The most recent found that it was practical, if the gears were reversed, which proves the theory that DaVinci always left something out of his written designs, to prevent them from being stolen.
Not like we've had the holidays going on lately, or anything;)
Yes, just got those photos in the mail myself. Tobi sometimes updates the mailing list without updating me, the cad!
Thanks much for posting the photos, though.
I've got some Warhammer Stuff that also needs to be finished. I got out of it some time ago, then back into it... and as a result.. too many minis to paint. Fantasy Specific, I have a Dark Elf Army and a Bretonnian Army that need finishing.
I would also recommend that those interested check his shop (http://www.tobsen77.de/) for a beautiful wooden piece that he has called a VERY early A7V. Really top notch.
I apologize for my delayed reply, WK. I have been fighting the flu for the last couple days, and it's been raining in sheets here... Anyway, I'm a bit scatter-brained. Keep forgetting to check my own darn forum.
The DaVinci is in the mail on the way from Tobi now. I usually get stuff from him within a couple weeks, but the mail is very slow here at the moment, partly because California can't handle rain.
Anyway, assuming that I receive it within the next week, and given the normal casting/molding time, I'm going to guess second half of February/first half of March. Haven't decided on a price yet. Will know when I get a look at it and can guess what the molding will cost.
Tobi and I are currently talking back and forth about what to do next. About four possibilities at the moment. Will let you guys know when I know more. I'm letting him decide what to work on next - seems to work well for us, as he knows what he'd be comfortable with and/or will give him a challenge he wants.
Sorry about my absence of late. Glad folks are using the forum;)
I still have the Da Vinci master. There have been some technical issues - not the fault of Tobi or the vehicle itself, but because, essentially, a range that was supposed to have been released in June still hasn't been delivered. This has caused everything to slow down and has caused us to have to reschedule some things, re-think others, etc.
The DaVinci -should- *crossing fingers* be out of the door early next week, along with the Garford.