A warm welcome to all of you interested in joining our discussions here. I look forward to old friends joining, and new friends to come, besides.
Feel free to introduce yourself here, tell us a little about yourself.
I'll start. My name is Alex. I'm a graduate student (PHD, Archaeology), living in Southern California. Black Army is my side project, mainly to produce ranges and figures that I wanted but that I figured others would either never do, at least not correctly.
I am the primary author and designer for BAP. The Shanghai setting was inspired by a few different things, but based in large part upon an unpublished novel I have sitting in the closet...
Our sculptors have included James Van Schaik, Curtis Fell, Leandro Ventic, and good old Tobi from Tobsen77. Curtis, in particular, has had some great ideas for making some of my bizzarre ideas come to life, and you'll find that his style is quite well represented in the Shanghai range.
I'm a wargamer, but I also enjoy roleplaying and board gaming, from time to time. In my "other" hobbies, I build 1/35 Soviet Armor and collect, restore, and clean Roman coins (well, primarily Roman, anyway, there are a few other ancient coins in the collection).
I'm married, no children, three dogs, one fish. Wife is a wargamer too (I know, I lucked out on that one.)
Well, some of you may know me as erstwhile FU!UK chair and still committee member over on frothers. Authored a few of the showcases (some rather out of date), most notably the Pulp/WW1/WW2/WWW2 ones and have been running the frothers (annual?) sculpting competition (though not by myself). Becoming a tad more active at LAF as I've just accepted to take on the mantle of moderator over there.
I own a leadpile that would quite effectively kill me were it ever to tip over and fall on me.
No wife, no kids, no pets, the occasional mistress.
-- Edited by White Knight on Tuesday 22nd of September 2009 07:53:12 AM
A good evening to you all and a grateful thanks for the welcome to our friendly host, Doc Twilight. I was led here by the LAF and thought to offer my support (for what it's worth ) to this new enterprise. I am Daniel, living in Germany, learned mechanical engineer, working as CAD specialist in automotive business. No family, not pets. I'm a great collector (which brought me to the BAP site) but a lazy/lousy painter. So, I'm looking forward how this new forum will develop.
G'day, I have been eagerly waiting for the Champions of History figures to be released since a sneak preview was shown on TMP months ago and I am happy to see them being released for sale
based in germany, started with games from the evil empire, but not with their miniatures only, which basically excluded me from their gaming community (not a very big loss)
currently turned my attention to other periods/gaming topics
Hello Alex, and to everyone else. Just found this site and since i know Alex, from wargaming, I thought i would join. I'm just a old wargamer looking for new friends and new battles to game. My name is Lou, but will go by hoplite10, I live in SO. Cal, San Diego area. Bye for now.
Doc Twilight wrote:Yes, full indeed. Perhaps an offer of "One free miniature for every word posted if you join the board now.." will get people to post;)
Now who did I have to drag back here kicking and screaming a week or two ago because he wasn't replying to my posts? Huh?