"Foreign Entanglements" is a category in our Shanghai, 1930 range referring to any of the numerous foreign powers currently attempting to protect or establish a foothold in Shanghai.
In 1930, Shanghai was nominally a "Treaty Port", officially part of China but considered to be an "international" city jointly governed by the Chinese, the Anglo-American dominated Municipal Council (in the International Settlement) and the French, who had refused to become part of the International Settlement and sit on the Municipal Council, and retained their own independent concession.
Nevertheless, there were numerous foreign powers at work in Shanghai of the 1920s and 1930s - the most prominent of whom were the Japanese, and, surprisingly, a large population of expat White Russians. There were, however, other forces at work in Shanghai, and even those countries that had a seat on the Municipal Council maintained their own embassies, military attaches, and the like both within the International Settlement, and without.
-- Edited by Doc Twilight on Wednesday 9th of September 2009 01:13:39 AM